Noster Mobile - Dublin, Ireland
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Noster Mobile
The Brickhouse, Block 1, Clanwilliam Court, Mount Street Lower, Dublin 2, Ireland
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Noster Mobile has created a cloud-based advertising technology to monetise mobile apps. Jackdaw, their software, is based on the successful, patented and proven Interactive TV advertising software, Raven, from their sister company emuse technologies. Raven is used for interactive advertising campaigns on over 40 million TV set-top boxes, and has been employed by companies such as AT&T, Verizon, Swisscom and Deutsche Telekom. Jackdaw has been adapted to develop video-rich, interactive, in-app ads which can unlock the monetisation potential of mobile apps. It also has an intuitive user interface which allows developers, brands and agencies to quickly publish and track campaigns across interactive TV, social media and mobile platforms. Noster Mobile also designs and builds innovative mobile
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apps which use Jackdaw and industry-leading location-based and social media features to give them an edge in monetisation.Listed in categories
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