Fortfield Auto Services - Killucan, Ireland

2 Reviews
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Fortfield Auto Services
Fortfield Killucan , County Westmeath, Ireland
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2 Reviews
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High Quality Mechanic
I have been a customer for the past 4 years. When you find a mechanic that ticks all the boxes you stay with him. All my family use this garage. My car is an 05 Toyota and it has never failed its NCT. Thank you Fortfield Auto Services
Avoid Fortfield Auto Services in Killucan Kinnegad - Beware of this "mechanic", he operates from a garage in his house, he is not a member of SIMI - he repaired a vehicle for us, he said the job would take 4 days, it took 2 months every time we rang him he had excuses and another problem had occurred which would take "another couple of days" when we rang back in a couple of days there was another problem he hadnt mentioned, when we finally got the vehicle back it broke down within 2 hours and we took it to another garage who informed us that Fortfield Auto Services had fitted the wrong part which caused the problem, we then contacted Fortfield Auto Services as he said that he would "stand over the work he had done" he refused to reimburse us for the cost of the additional repair. We will never bring another vehicle to this individual, it is people like him who give mechanics a bad name

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