World's Greatest Pubs - Dublin, Ireland
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World's Greatest Pubs
Dublin, Ireland
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Alex Cordero has spent 10 years building one of Ireland’s most popular pub brands, Slatterys Pub D4, which is known as a Mecca for sports. He has created a platform which allows pubs to SELL their best tables to their best customers. The platform is modern, fully-fledged, and comes with all the bells and whistles. It allows different ecosystems to develop within the platform and is free to pubs, making it a B2B service. Alex also developed the World's Greatest Pubs & Clubs, which is organizing the first Rugby Pub World Cup, sponsored by The Irish Post (the largest Global Diaspora Newspaper and Social Media Site). To fund this, Alex utilized his own funds and sold the "Altra" platform to a different industry. This revenue is helping to fund the "Soft Launch" that is planned for the Rugby
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World Cup. WGP will have 100 of the top Rugby pubs, which were chosen from 1,200 pubs across 6 continents, 36 countries, and 110 cities. This means that, for each week of the RWC19, there will be 100 pubs selling their best tables online, with Tabla making 10% from each sale. The average table price includes a €100 pre-paid bar tab. (15 pubs still need to be signed up before the launch). The platform grows organically and has almost zero cost structure. Revenues are generated from a 10% transaction fee on the tables purchased by theListed in categories
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