bloXmove - Dublin, Ireland

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Dublin, Ireland
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bloXmove is revolutionizing the way we travel by decentralizing the transit system instead of relying on a single "super app". We create a distributed ledger infrastructure to connect a global Mobility Alliance that includes scooters, bikes, taxis, car sharing, trains, and buses. We also connect electric vehicles to power grids to help balance and utilize renewable energies. bloXmove, the Mobility Blockchain Platform, is a B2B ledger made to provide a common infrastructure for mobility services to be organized, bundled, and economically settled. Our goal is to create a connected mobility ecosystem that allows users to access transit services around the world with one app. Rather than emphasizing aggregation, bloXmove uses distributed ledger technology to create trust and a consensus  
Show more between the commercial actors connected to the global mobility alliance.

For transport operators and mobility providers, bloXmove provides:

(1) Reduced integration costs: A single plug-in that gives access to many network partners through standardized, open-source protocols and APIs

(2) Every party can keep its customer touchpoint: Secure portability of user profiles and data that keeps confidentiality through the concept of decentralized ID, which also reduces customer acquisition costs

(3) Automation and hyper-efficiency: A safe, end-to-end transaction chain that includes customer identification, smart contracting, consumption-based settlement, and cross-company revenue distribution in real-time

(4) Extend your multim


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