NEST iON - Dublin, Ireland
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4 Henry St, Galway, H91 E205, Dublin, Ireland
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At NEST iON, we are driven by research and development. Our first success was in significantly increasing the energy density of Lithium Thionyl Chloride D-sized batteries within 18 months, and we quickly commercialized the results with a South Korean manufacturing partner. Our batteries are now sold in more than 20 countries.
In 2016, we began a project to establish our own pilot line in New York to produce these cells, and in the process, we identified an even bigger problem: making battery production sustainable. We had the goal of enabling small-scale battery manufacturing for our customers who required customized battery technologies not available in mainstream manufacturers. We soon realized that even at the largest scales, conventional battery production was highly inefficient and
In response, NEST iON set out to completely rethink how batteries are made, aiming to reduce cost, energy consumption, and environmental impact, while increasing throughput. We identified electrode fabrication as the area where we could make the most impact.
In 2016, we began a project to establish our own pilot line in New York to produce these cells, and in the process, we identified an even bigger problem: making battery production sustainable. We had the goal of enabling small-scale battery manufacturing for our customers who required customized battery technologies not available in mainstream manufacturers. We soon realized that even at the largest scales, conventional battery production was highly inefficient and
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would become increasingly unsustainable as the world shifts to renewable energy sources.In response, NEST iON set out to completely rethink how batteries are made, aiming to reduce cost, energy consumption, and environmental impact, while increasing throughput. We identified electrode fabrication as the area where we could make the most impact.
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