Cesanta - Dublin, Ireland
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13 Edward Pl, Donnybrook, Dublin, D04 C2F4, Ireland
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Company description
Cesanta is an innovative software engineering firm that specializes in connected products and the Internet of Things. The company is dedicated to developing software products that allow any device, appliance, equipment, or machinery to become connected to and managed over the Internet. Cesanta's suite of products includes the Mongoose Web Server, Mongoose OS, and mDash.
The Mongoose Web Server is one of the most popular embedded web servers, deployed in over 100 million devices, including those used by NASA on the International Space Station. Mongoose OS is a secure and simple-to-integrate operating system for connected microcontrollers, made for the Internet of Things. Finally, mDash is a managed IoT Cloud Platform.
Cesanta's customers include some of the world's leading device and
The Mongoose Web Server is one of the most popular embedded web servers, deployed in over 100 million devices, including those used by NASA on the International Space Station. Mongoose OS is a secure and simple-to-integrate operating system for connected microcontrollers, made for the Internet of Things. Finally, mDash is a managed IoT Cloud Platform.
Cesanta's customers include some of the world's leading device and
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equipment manufacturers, software application vendors, and integrators, including NASA, Samsung, Siemens, Bosch, Caterpillar, LG, Dell, HP, Google, SKY, Nintendo, Epson, Qualcomm, and Broadcom. These organizations already use Cesanta's solutions to connect their products online.Location map
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