Helgen Technologies - Shannon, Ireland
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Company name
Helgen Technologies
Clare, Shannon, Ireland
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Company description
Helgen is a pioneering technology company that provides autonomous vehicles for the waste management, mining, and construction industries. Our solution solves the staffing problem these industries face when trying to operate their machinery - they don't have enough people willing to work in places like landfills. With our autonomous vehicles, these industries can run at full capacity with 75% less staff.
Our beachhead market of landfills alone provides an impressive total addressable market (TAM) of $400 million in the USA. The adjacent market of mining for autonomous retrofit is even larger, with an excess of $6 billion in the USA. Our founding team consists of two engineers, one business development, and a highly networked mining industry expert. Our engineering team has worked on the JLR Autonomous Vehicle Programme, Valeo AV programme, and Qualcomm.
Our beachhead market of landfills alone provides an impressive total addressable market (TAM) of $400 million in the USA. The adjacent market of mining for autonomous retrofit is even larger, with an excess of $6 billion in the USA. Our founding team consists of two engineers, one business development, and a highly networked mining industry expert. Our engineering team has worked on the JLR Autonomous Vehicle Programme, Valeo AV programme, and Qualcomm.
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