Curiosity Software - Bray, Ireland

Curiosity Software
Company name
Curiosity Software
Wicklow, Bray, Ireland
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Company description
Curiosity is pioneering the development of advanced requirements modelling, test generation, and test data solutions that are suitable for the world of test automation, DevOps, and CI/CD. Our innovative solutions create tests and data at the same speed as CI/CD pipelines and test automation frameworks, and can be triggered automatically or manually. Our aim now is to make the most of the large amounts of data that has been made available thanks to automated technologies. We are developing a "traceability lab" that connects technologies across the entire SDLC. If something changes in one part of the system, the effects of this change should be tracked across requirements, tests, data, and more. New data analysis methods and tighter integrations between technologies allow us to automate  
Show more this impact analysis. Moreover, automated user story, test case, and test generation further converts these insights into the materials that cross-functional teams need to produce high-quality software. If something alters, from design to production, the most recent insights will then be reflected in ongoing software releases. Curiosity now provides effective solutions for generating user stories, test cases, and automated tests, along with automated solutions for discovering, creating, and masking the complete data for these changing artefacts. We look forward to collaborating with your organisation to continue our journey towards integrating these technologies into a "traceability lab", auto-generating and targeting assets based on real-time changes.


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