St Martin's Youth Centre - Limerick, Ireland
St Martin's Youth Centre
1 Review
St Martin's Youth CentreKilleely hse New rd Thomondgate Limerick(061)453099
St Martin's Youth CentreKilleely hse New rd Thomondgate Limerick(061)453099
Would love to know what is St Martins been used now for
I worked in St Martins at 14yrs old to age of 21 I loved it and have great memories of the building worked with the nuns they were all lovely people sister caramel since I left I haven't heard enyting about the place and I would just love to know so many young people got chances and great jobs from working in St Martins
I worked as a sewing machinest and I loved it so much I made so many friends who I still talk to today so I would really love to know what this old building is now been used for and is it at good use and been cared for I'm a mother to 6 grandmother to 2 I'm 45 and was looking around for a cleaning job and just on my cv I put down St Martins and it got me thinking of the ols place, what do they do in building now and thank you so much for your time I no you might think I'm mad I'm sorry just memories and all good ones thank god
I worked as a sewing machinest and I loved it so much I made so many friends who I still talk to today so I would really love to know what this old building is now been used for and is it at good use and been cared for I'm a mother to 6 grandmother to 2 I'm 45 and was looking around for a cleaning job and just on my cv I put down St Martins and it got me thinking of the ols place, what do they do in building now and thank you so much for your time I no you might think I'm mad I'm sorry just memories and all good ones thank god
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